„Comunitatea creștină primară” versus „societatea contemporană”

O comparație în lumina cărții Faptele Apostolilor


  • Mihaela Gligan Author


community, society, equality, property, fraternity


Throughout the ages, many adherents, conquered by the beauty of two basic principles underlying the first Christian community, namely equality and fraternity, attempted to build some commnunities, alike those of first centuries, masterly described in Acts of the Apostles. However, all these attempts were doomed to failure.In this context, various questions arise: Why did these attempts of building such communities fail? Can such Christian communities be built nowadays?In order to answer these questions, I will begin by describing the life of the first Christian community, following that, in the next chapters of the paper, to recall the guild community, the so-called „Christian communism society”, built in North America in the sixteenth and nineteenth century, and about Communist society. Only in the last part of the paper, I will try to answer the question „Can such Christian communities be built nowadays?”, whereas, I believe that, in order to answer this question, it is necessary to know how such communities changed history.





Biblical Theology

How to Cite

„Comunitatea creștină primară” versus „societatea contemporană”: O comparație în lumina cărții Faptele Apostolilor. (2024). Studia Theologica Orthodoxa Doctoralia Napocensia, 2(2), 46-59. https://stodn.reviste.ubbcluj.ro/index.php/stodn/article/view/4