Ioan 5,39 – un studiu asupra modului de citire și receptare a Scripturii în spațiul creștin, iudaic și islamic


  • Johann Malaki Author


Islam, Christianity, Judaism, inspiration, interfaith dialogue, Qur’an, St. John of Damascus


This article is about the reception of the Bible in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, the so-called religions of the Scripture. Despite their different beliefs all of them value the Bible and many of their religious beliefs are based on it. The Bible is an important support for the dialogue and the approach of these three religions. Nevertheless, every religion is appreciating the Bible differently. For example, Muslims are considering the Bible important only after the Qu’ran. The Bible is still the Word of God but altered by Jews and Christians. These would explain the differences to the Qu’ran. In the interfaith dialogue, this could get the dialogue into hot water. The same is to say about Jews in comparison to Christians. Christians teach that the Old Testament, the Bible of the Jews, is only a path to discover Jesus the Messiah, but the Jews understand the Law of the Old Testament as the only way to gain eternal Life. This means that the approach to the Bible and the understanding of it is different. In addition to that, we have many differences between Christians of different denominations concerning the reception of the Bible, or when we refer to the way they see the inspiration of the Bible. The purpose of this article is to outline the differences that we have to consider when one engages in an interfaith dialogue.





Biblical Theology

How to Cite

Ioan 5,39 – un studiu asupra modului de citire și receptare a Scripturii în spațiul creștin, iudaic și islamic. (2024). Studia Theologica Orthodoxa Doctoralia Napocensia, 3(1), 8-24.